Can you believe it’s been 22 years?

February 1, 2016 made 22 years for Pet Scoop Services. Time flies when you’re having fun! We had the largest number of service starts in January of this year. You know “our business really is picking up”! 

Okay enough with the cliches. Seriously, YOU continue to play the biggest part in Pet Scoop’s success! We are working hard to continuously improve your service, bring you exceptional value and to exceed your expectations.

We put on our thinking caps and came up with our top 22 reasons for Pet Scoop Services. We put them in this slide show:

We invite you to add your reasons for using Pet Scoop’s services.  Feel free to add your reasons in the commments below or post them to our social networks!  We’ll feature your reason in our social post over the next few months.  Put on your thinking caps!