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Dogs are man’s best friend, but that does not mean that there aren’t things about your canine companion that drive you up the wall at times. Whether it is incessant barking or potty accidents, your dog is likely to exhibit some behavior issues at some point in his life. Here are three of the most common dog behavior issues and how to deal with them.

1) Housebreaking

Housebreaking is one of the most common issues. To housebreak your dog, start by establishing a regular routine of taking them outside to do their business. Pick a cue word or phrase to use every time you take them out, like “go potty”, so they start to associate that phrase with going to the bathroom. Take them out first thing in the morning, after meals, and before bedtime. When they go potty outside, praise them lavishly.

If you catch your dog in the act of going inside, startle them with a loud noise and quickly take them outside. Do not punish them after the fact, as they will not understand what they’re being scolded for. Be consistent with your routine and your cue words, and soon your dog will learn to hold it until they can go outside.

2) Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety can manifest itself in many ways including barking, chewing on objects, escaping the house, and destructive behaviors such as scratching furniture, and tearing up carpeting. Some dogs show signs of depression when they are separated from their owner or feel unsafe while they are home alone. If your dog is experiencing separation anxiety, there are a few things you can do to help ease their anxiety.

Try to create a routine for your comings and goings. If your dog knows when you are leaving and when you’re coming home, they’ll be less anxious. Provide your dog with plenty of exercise and mental stimulation. Make sure you spend plenty of quality time with your furry friend when you are home. This will help them feel loved and secure. You can also try leaving them with a Kong toy filled with treats to keep them occupied. Some choose to crate their dog to help them feel safe and secure when they are left alone. If you follow these tips, your dog’s separation anxiety should start to improve.

3) Excessive Barking

Barking is a common dog behavior. Excessive barking requires investigation. Is there something that triggers the barking? If your dog is barking when someone comes to the door, you can train them to stop by teaching them to “speak” and “quiet” on cue.

If your dog is barking for attention, provide them with positive reinforcement when they are quiet. This could include treats, petting, or verbal praise.

If they are barking out of excitement or fear, try to provide them with a calm environment. This may mean keeping them away from other animals or children. You might consider investing in a good-quality silent dog whistle. Use this whistle to train your dog to stop barking when they hear the sound. Or try a citronella collar. When your dog barks, the collar will release a citronella scent that will deter them from barking.

Pet parents who regularly interact with their furry friends with patience and consistent training help create a stronger bond with their dogs and reduce behavior issues.